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academic workplaces for youth

LOL with Academic Workplaces Transforming Youth

Already since 2015 professionals have had the opportunity to develop themselves in the field of culturally sensitive work through LOL. This stemmed from the problem that children with non-Western backgrounds and mental health problems often do not receive the right help in time. We developed the

(Online) education remains human work!

The article "Online Education Remains Human Work" argues that it is and remains difficult to properly measure online learning outcomes. For example, peer-2-peer assessment does not seem to work well. Students do not look critically at their classmates' homework and are quick to give a pass. The

Blog: Homesick for the chalkboard with crayons?

Nice how Yvonne Hagenaar in her blog "Good Education" jumps into the breach for "the" teacher.According to Hagenaar, teachers are people with an ideal: teaching, transferring knowledge and sharing knowledge. It makes them happy. Hagenaar looks back almost with nostalgia to the days when teachers could do just that

Lifelong learning

The new year has already begun, hello 2019! Many people have new resolutions, such as eating healthier, exercising more or quitting smoking. I also hear plenty of stories of people who want to develop themselves extra in the work field this year, who want to follow a new course

Live Online Learning at Caregiver Innovators

Recently, the Zorgonderwijsvernieuwers - Breinbrekers in Zorgonderwijs event took place. This event was organized by Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, the largest publisher for healthcare in the Netherlands. During this event, several lectures and master classes explored how digitization affects healthcare education.