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Live Online Learning at Caregiver Innovators

Recently, the Zorgonderwijsvernieuwers - Breinbrekers in Zorgonderwijs event took place. This event was organized by Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, the largest publisher for healthcare in the Netherlands. During this event, several lectures and master classes explored how digitization affects healthcare education. "What does this mean for your practice?" "What trends can you expect?" "What skills are important for tomorrow's healthcare professionals? These questions and various answers to them were addressed during the various lectures and master classes. Study2Go and Learning Connected also provided one of these masterclasses.

During our master class, we addressed online didactic models in the 21e century. In this workshop, Anoeska first took the participants through different learning theories and learning models, then together with the participants they discovered what the LOL methodology actually entails. Then the participants also got a piece of live online teaching from Hester and Birgit, who taught remotely. At the end of the workshop, participants discussed all the new knowledge they had gained during the master class. How could they now take this into the educational situation within their organization?

The master class was a huge success. The LOL methodology made the participants curious about the applications of live online learning within their own organization. So there was also a lot of chatter in the corridors. In short, a successful day and we invite everyone again to experience for themselves what it is like to follow a Live Online Lesson in our classroom.