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We prefer to brainstorm online!

Many people have mastered online live conversations or meetings. But REAL online collaboration still remains a challenge for many. For brainstorming sessions, for example, we often still prefer to be together physically. But wait a minute! Before we all crawl back together in a conference room, did you know that a brainstorming session might even be more effective when organized online? 

What are the benefits of online brainstorming? 

  • Everyone can post ideas simultaneously on a shared whiteboard or in chat. 
  • Participants can share all kinds of files, such as images and videos, not just text. 
  • Most whiteboard tools have an infinite canvas. So there is no limit to the number of ideas that can be shared. Zoom in for details or zoom out for overview. 
  • All contributions are saved and synchronized, and thus can be easily retrieved or shared later. 
  • Whether you are introverted or extroverted, everyone can share ideas leisurely from behind the screen without having to physically stand in front of a large group. 
  • You control who talks when by turning microphones on and off (or having them turned off) for an organized session. 

 For a good live online brainstorm, you need a communication tool like Webex, Teams, Zoom or Google Meet, and a whiteboard that everyone can work on simultaneously. Use the whiteboard features included in the communication tool or opt for more creativity with tools such as Miro, Padlet or Mural. 

How do you set up a good brainstorm? First, let's look at what brainstorming entails and what makes it difficult. 

What is brainstorming? 

Brainstorming is a group activity with the goal of generating many new ideas without directly judging the value of the ideas. What is important is that there is a productive and creative relaxed atmosphere and no criticism of the ideas during the brainstorming session. A complete brainstorming session consists of three phases:  

  • The diverge, the "gathering round" where you write down the wildest concoctions; 
  • The converge in which ideas are sorted and organized; 
  • The evaluation phase in which everything is reviewed and prioritized.  

 Why is brainstorming sometimes difficult? 

  • Brainstorming requires out-of-the-box thinking. But humans are creatures of habit that like to stick to patterns and routines to understand and organize the world. This makes it difficult to make new connections in our brains. 
  • Groupthink can occur during a brainstorming session. Here we unconsciously follow the train of thought of others and fewer different ideas are generated. 
  • Not everyone finds it as easy to share ideas. Extraverted participants often have an advantage here. Introverted participants are more reluctant and often experience more difficulty in expressing their ideas or thoughts. 

 All of these pitfalls are fortunately avoidable. In the following articles you will find some practical tips for preparing and conducting your perfect brainstorm. These tips will help you organize effective, successful brainstorming sessions from now on.

Follow us for a more detailed explanation and more tips to get the most out of your live online brainstorming too!