First of all, we hope all of you and your loved ones are doing well. What a strange time we have all had. The corona crisis is not over yet, but normal life seems to be slowly making its return. For example, the day before we wrote this piece Prime Minister Rutte told us that we can all go on vacation again this summer (within Europe). Of course we still have to follow certain rules, but it's allowed again!
We at Learning Connected have had a crazy time as well. Contrary to many, we didn't have to get used to working from home, we were already doing this regularly before the corona crisis. But as soon as it became clear that the whole of the Netherlands had to stay at home, we were faced with the challenge of training as many people as possible in their live online skills within a short period of time. Live online communication, live online treatment, live online teaching, live online meetings and so on. We filled our days with providing training and helping companies with issues surrounding working from home and the organization around it. This meant great collaboration, with old and new partners. Together we put our shoulders to the wheel. We think that everyone should be incredibly proud of everything we have achieved together in recent times!
To give you a better idea of what Learning Connected has been up to recently, here are some highlights of the use of online communication during corona time.
Again, we hope you are doing well. We wish you the very best in the continuation of this corona time. Take care of yourselves and each other!
Want to know more about our training courses for live online communication in corona time? Check out our offer! Or contact us.