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Collaborating on Positive Health

Learning Connected organized together with ROC Mondriaan, The Hague University of Applied Sciences and the practice organizations Kessler Foundation and Foundation Anton Constandse an online congress Positive Health for MBO and HBO students. The kick-off was already planned when Covid-19 threw a spanner in the works. But where there is a will, there is a way. Learning Connected has worked together with these partners from Track 22 the introduction as yet, but online!

Project positive health within healthcare

The partnership between Learning Connected and ROC Mondriaan has existed for a long time. One of the projects in which this collaboration is expressed is Spoor 22, a project in which - by deploying innovative solutions and seeking new partnerships - we continue to improve both education and care. A great project under Spoor 22 in which education (The Hague University of Applied Sciences and ROC Mondriaan) and practice (the Kessler Foundation and the Anton Constandse Foundation) really join forces is the Positive Health project. HBO students and MBO students who work together during their internship and cooperate to give the theme Positive Health hands and feet within the care. Together they are looking for ways to help residents live more consciously and healthily.

Live Online Kick-off

Due to the coronavirus, a physical kick-off could not take place. Fortunately, we were quickly able to come up with an alternative with the partners of track 22: an online introduction! Together with teachers of The Hague University of Applied Sciences and ROC Mondriaan and the practical trainers involved, a nice session was set up for the intended trainees. During the session, the trainees were introduced to the supervisors, the concept of positive health and to each other. With a real active live online workout and a competition for the best slogan we pulled out all the stops to get the students enthusiastic for this project.

Enthusiastic Students

And with success! Many of the students present have now extended their internships with Kessler of Constance. They have indicated that they would like to participate in this wonderful project. Next school year these students will really get to work helping the residents of these care facilities learn a healthier lifestyle. Although regular education will be resumed sporadically next year, it has now been decided that a large part of this project will take place live online. The supervision, guest lectures, contact with each other, and the presentation of their research design, approach and final results will be conducted live online. Want to learn more about the Positive Health online conference? Then get in touch with us! We'd be happy to tell you more.