
education system

Online classroom: interaction is key for an effective lesson

As a teacher, do you regularly feel like you are talking in a vacuum during an online class? Do you work harder than the students during your online sessions? Do you regularly hear yourself asking if there are any questions? And is the standard answer you get "No"? Then throw out your boring PowerPoint

synchronous hybrid learning

Whitepaper synchronous hybrid learning

What is synchronous hybrid learning and how do you make the most of it in your classes? Schools are partially open again to small groups of pupils and students at 1.5 meters distance. This presents many teachers with the difficult task of teaching a group of students, a small portion of whom are in the physical classroom
brain learning

Whitepaper Brain Learning

Brain learning: how does our brain work and what does this mean for the design of our live online learning landscape? How can you use the principles of brain learning to make your lesson or training more fun and effective? That is what Hester Hooijen, LOL consultant at Learning Connected, asked herself. She dived into the subject and wrote
digital presentation skills

Digital presentation skills: 10 tips & tricks

There you are, in all kinds of online meeting and online classes, talking to your webcam... Presenting live online is a relatively new skill for professionals, but more important than ever in today's online work field! But, how do you present yourself in front of the webcam? How do you get your message across in front of the camera as well as

online teaching

Teaching online: avoid these mistakes in 2021 with our tips

By necessity, teachers and trainers have had to find their way in the world of online education over the past year. Maybe for you it was a fun new experience where you could test the latest teaching tools and experience the benefits of teaching online. Or maybe you found yourself with your hands tied because

online teaching

Teaching online: avoid these mistakes in 2021

In the past year, teachers and trainers were forced to find their way in the world of online education. Maybe it was a fun new experience for you, testing the latest teaching tools and experiencing the benefits of online teaching. Or maybe you got completely lost because you had no idea where to start or

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