
live online introduction forms

Our favorites in a row: 5 surprising live online introductions

Starting a new class, starting a new training or starting a new treatment. The content of all three of these live online meetings is different, but they all have one thing in common: getting to know each other and getting to know each other does not happen by itself! Especially in a live online setting, where informal communication is more difficult and non-verbal communication

Online work form

Our favorites: 5 digital tools as an online work format

There are a lot of tools out there that you can use as an online work format in an online lesson! So many that some teachers can't see the wood for the trees anymore and don't apply any tool out of panic, while other teachers try to squeeze as many tools as possible into a
Online work form

Our favorites in a row: 5 digital tools as online work tools

There are a lot of tools out there that you can use as an online work format in an online lesson! So many that some teachers can't see the wood for the trees anymore and don't apply any tool out of panic, while other teachers try to cram as many tools as possible into a lesson! Both options are not really recommended.

Corona or no corona: Live Online Education is here to stay!

Teachers, students, parents, basically everyone is tired of live online teaching. There is a need for hard school desks, physically throwing wads at the teacher and sticky buns in the school cafeteria. And even a squeaky chalk on a blackboard is now music to the ears of some. Hester Hooijen - who has been in the

Grant to support online education in higher education

The education sector is facing major challenges due to the corona crisis. The government is therefore making subsidies available for higher education to provide a solution to the current challenges. This will enable education to continue, so that disadvantages can be prevented and reduced as much as possible. With this subsidy you can follow a training or workshop with us for setting up, among other things

Kristel Logghe: "Combining my passions social entrepreneurship and interculturalization with LOL!"

Over the past year, Kristel Logghe, Concept Developer at Learning Connected, has not been idle. In addition to the many projects and new initiatives she is starting for Learning Connected, she has also been a LOL trainer herself since 2020 and gave the abbreviated LOL training to a number of groups with social entrepreneurs at the beginning of the corona crisis. In addition, she sees

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