
working from home

Why working from home doesn't have to be lonely: 7 tips & tricks

We hear around us more and more that working from home can make one feel lonely. According to Piet Fortuin, president of the trade union CNV, home workers yearn for an informal chat and seeing their colleagues. After 1.5 years of working from home, we understand the lonely feelings that working from home can evoke. At the same time, we can't ignore it:

Image calling with patients

Image calling with patients: how do you do it?

Tips for a live online consultation A large proportion of GPs feel they lack digital skills and most want to develop their digital skills further. This is evident from recent research conducted by the Foundation for Social Fund for General Practitioner Care. Imaging is one of the worst scoring skills and an activity that

Hybrid Working Whitepaper

How to make hybrid working a success Working from home has taken off since the start of the corona crisis. Where before we sporadically worked from home for a day, by 2020 almost everyone was suddenly forced to sit at home. At the time of writing, the government has partially withdrawn the home working advice. More space has been created to

lol symposium education

EVENT | LOL Symposium for Education

Why live online teaching is valuable even after corona We would like to invite you to the online symposium on March 16, 2022 from 14:00-17:00! After a number of successful editions, we are returning after the summer with a special event about the contribution and added value of live online teaching, also after corona! Because once again

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