
Interactive workflows in your live online treatment

Do you give individual or group treatments, or do you counsel children, adolescents and/or parents? Then one thing is certain: interactive work formats cannot be missing from your live online treatment! In this blog, Sophie tells you about the added value of interactive work formats and introduces two work formats that you can apply right away in

creative use of chat

5 x creative uses of chat during your online session

Chatting during an online session. Everyone knows it can be done, but the use of it is usually limited to asking the host questions. Too bad, because this chat tool that is available in all live online communication platforms offers many opportunities to make your session more interactive and effective. Time to use this underexposed tool

Webex Meetings

Our 5 favorite apps in Webex Meetings

Sharing content, using emoticons, annotating, raising your hand... Have you mastered the basic functions in Webex Meetings a little? Then you are already doing well! But did you know that there are many more possibilities to make an online session even more fun, efficient and interactive? Webex Meetings offers the possibility to use external apps

convert physical class to online version

How do you convert your physical class to an online class?

You were just getting back into the swing of things with your physical classes... Now education is facing new measures. For you, this probably means that lessons and lectures will have to take place online again. You probably already noticed in the previous lockdown(s) that converting your physical class one-on-one to a

online doctor patient interviews

Live online physician-patient conversations: The patient is around. Now it's the doctor's turn.

In early 2020, the Dutch healthcare system was significantly disrupted by the outbreak of COVID-19. To prevent the risk of infection, the number of on-site appointments was immediately reduced to the bare minimum. In order to still allow some doctor-patient contact, many GPs and hospitals introduced the online doctor-patient consultation. Now, 1.5 years later, it is time to

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