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Hybrid Working Whitepaper

How to make hybrid working a success Working from home has taken off since the start of the corona crisis. Where we used to sporadically work from home for a day, by 2020 almost everyone was suddenly sitting at home by necessity. At the time of writing, home working advice by

synchronous hybrid learning

Whitepaper synchronous hybrid learning

What is synchronous hybrid learning and how do you make the most of it in your classes? Schools are partially open again to small groups of pupils and students at 1.5 m intervals. This presents many teachers with the difficult task of teaching to a
brain learning

Whitepaper Brain Learning

Brain learning: how does our brain work and what does this mean for the design of our live online learning landscape? How can you use the principles of brain learning to make your lesson or training more fun and effective? That was the question asked by Hester Hooijen, LOL consultant at Learning